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A encyclopedia and discussion forum for all Christians to share their faith with 349,997 pages and over a million edits. Statement of Faith | Vision

What is Christianity?

Christianity is about God reaching out his hand in friendship to mankind. Christians believe that the whole world and everything in it was created by God. God is a personal being, a living God who is three, yet one: Father, Son and Spirit, just as we human beings have body, mind and soul! (see the Trinity).

The Bible says God created people in his image, to love him. Yet every person has rebelled against God and sinned. Yet instead of turning his back on us, God became a man, Jesus, who most scholars believe was born about the year 4 BC and lived among us. He taught a message of love throughout Palestine but public opinion turned against him and he was executed as a young man.

He died because of us - the death that we should have died. He was crucified on a cross, but he rose from the dead, and now calls us to trust him, to love him and to repent of our rebellion. If we do this, then we our relationship with God becomes restored and we will live forever with God.

Many non-Christians may think that being a Christian is about belonging to a particular church or following a certain set of rule. Most Christians however would agree that at its root, being a Christian means to be in a living relationship with Jesus.

Who is God?

WikiChristian Contents - Christianity


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Devotion Of The Day


June, 18 - Daily Devotions

June Scripture Portion for Bible Commentary : Job 12 - Psalm 102

Psalm 39 speaks of the frailty and vanity of life. Jeduthun was one of David's three music leaders (the other two were Heman and Asaph). He was also the King's seer (II Chronicles 35:15).

Psalm 40 could be called the "Christmas Psalm" because it looks forward to the birth of Christ. Verses 6-8 are quoted in Hebrews 10:5-10 and apply to Jesus Christ. Historically, this Psalm grew out of a crisis in the life of David. He was in a horrible pit and cried to God and God delivered him. In verses 1-10 David testifies of God's mercy and shows his gratitude by yielding himself anew to the Lord. In the closing verses (verses 11-17) David calls on God for further help as new enemies approach him.

Psalm 41 is another prayer for deliverance. It was probably written as a result of Absalom turning against David and trying to take over the kingdom. The familiar friend in verse 9 must have been Ahithophel, the Old Testament Judas (see II Samuel 15:12; John 13:18).

In Psalms 42 and 43 the writer declares he is thirsty for the house of God. These two Psalms form one poem. The sons of Korah, who are listed as the authors, were a family of poetic Levites, organized by David into a musical guild.

Psalm 44 is a cry of despair. It seems that the nation has been overwhelmingly defeated in a time of national disaster. David's words to the Lord were that he would not trust in his bow nor his sWord to save him from his enemies, but only in God.

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