Russia is a country in Eastern Europe and northern Asia. Despite almost a century of communist rule that suppressed Christianity and promoted atheism, many of its 150 million citizens, have a connection with the Russian Orthodox Church. Today there is freedom of religion of sorts in Russia, with some discrimination against minority denominations. Likewise, although Russia is now a democracy, there has in recent years been a slow erosion of freedom and human rights in the nation.
The most widespread religion in Russia is Eastern Orthodoxy dominated by Russian Orthodox Church. Second largest religion is Islam. Other branches of Christianity present in Russia include various Protestant denominations, Roman Catholicism, and Old Believers. There is some presence of Judaism and Buddhism. Shamanism and other pagan beliefs are present to some extent in remote areas, sometimes syncretized with one of the mainstream religions.
Division into different religions takes place primarily along ethnic lines: the majority of religious Slavs are Orthodox, and the majority of religious people of Turkic descent are Muslim.
A considerable portion of the population considers themselves atheists.
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- Wikipedia - Russia
- Wikipedia - Religion in Russia#Christianity
- Russia's choice of Christianity over Islam
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