Current WikiChristian Project
Bible Contributors - Just trying to get us organized.
A little about me
I'm currently finishing up my last year of undergrad work at Davis College. I'd consider myself a middle of the road evangelical. My beliefs on certain topics leaning to one side or the other depending on the issue at hand. Generally speaking I am more interested in what the Bible says as opposed to what people say the Bible says. This means that I'm less interested in theology and more interested in Exegesis and dialog regarding difficult Bible passages. Practically this means you'll see me putting much more time into the specifically Bible sections of this site as opposed to other sections, not that I won't contribute to those too.
I'm married to my wonderful wife Mandy since June 5 2004.
I also run a blog if you want to get to know a little more about me.
Contact Information
AIM: aidan134650 ICQ: 19005770 MSN: calvinpark@*remove*
Update Feb 25 2005
Hey all, just wanted to let you all know I'm still around. I've been working quite a bit on school work, so I haven't had a great amount of time to put stuff on Wikichristian. I do have a few small things I've been working on though that should hopefully go up before long. I do still check in on a daily basis though. :)
Update Mar 06 2005
Again, just wanted to let you know I'm still around. I am swamped with school work right now. So I'm not doing alot of internet browsing. I'm even lurking less at X. At anyrate, I'm planning on contributing some more after I get done with this semester. Some of my projects that I'm doing for school would make some good articles I think. So anyway...yeah...I still lurk around and make an edit here and there.
Update Apr 15 2005
Just a quick update to let everyone know I'm still wrong. I've been busy with school work (finishing up my undergrad degree), but that is almost done (three weeks left!), so hopefully I'll have somemore time to devote to various endevours once I'm done with school. I'm still around, just don't have a lot of time to edit and such.
Update Oct 11 2005
I have not dropped off the planet! I've had a very unpleasant six months. It finally resulted in my wife and I leaving the church we had been attending for two years. I'd love to be able to devote some time to Wikichristian again...but we'll see. At the least I should be able to edit some articles and such.