Lindsay Whitfield
"A significant quote made by Lindsay Whitfield goes here".- Lindsay Whitfield
Lindsay Whitfield | |
Lindsay Whitfield is a Canadian Christian involved in music, new media, news, publishing and writing ministry in Canada.
Lindsay Whitfield's Service
Lindsay Whitfield is a graphic designer for Peashooter Media based in Keswick, Ontario, Canada. Lindsay has been involved in media in various forms since 2001 including running Soul Shine Magazine ( and also copy writing for the music industry in the U.K. and North America for such artists as Switchfoot, Chris Tomlin, and Hillsong UNITED. She is a graduate of Humber College (Toronto) in Graphic Design for Print and Web and Southampton Institute (U.K.) in Media Communications.
Lindsay Whitfield's Christian Testimony
"I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, and in college it was the usual alcohol, guys and stupid decisions that looking back I wish I had never made. Jesus knocked my socks off in Southampton, England, during my last semester of university. My to-be husband (who was Christian) and I had just met and he came over to England with me. The funny thing was is he never shared Christ with me, but felt a burden to pray for me while we were in England, he later told me.
One day we were walking along and I saw this Christian tract on the ground and for some reason I picked it up out of curiosity. I brought it back to the flat where we were staying and started scoffing at what it said out of ignorance and confusion. My husband-to be is pretty mellow, but when he heard me scoffing, the Holy Spirit took over and he told me pretty boldly about God’s plan for the end of the world. It freaked me out to tears and I couldn't knock the impact of what was said. Upon returning to Canada for graduation, I started going to church and one December service dedicated my life to the Lord. My husband re-dedicated his life to the Lord too because of the impact the Holy Spirit was making on him as I was learning about the Lord for the first time.
God's shown me how His ways are the best when dealing with things, and He's changed and continues to change my perspective, desires, and attitudes with His Spirit and grace. I can't imagine my life without His influence, strength, and purposes."
-Lindsay Whitfield
Contact Lindsay Whitfield
Lindsay Whitfield can be contacted via:
Significant quotations made by this Media Worker from Canada.
"Lust is getting, love is giving." -Lindsay Whitfield
Links from other sources about this media worker's media ministry go here.
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