Bible:Zephaniah 3:18 (discussion)

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Due to the antisemitism present early on in the Christian church Yah's appointed feasts were brushed aside and labeled as "Jewish" and not to be observed. Today Yah is raising an army of believers who advocate His feasts and sabbaths as they were during Yeshua (Jesus) ministry. The prophet here is declaring and encouraging those of us who receive reproach for upholding Yah's feasts and sabbaths.

- Anonymous post

I don't quite understand what you're saying, but it seems to me that you have quite a warped view of Christianity and God's love. Don't forget that this book was written in a specific historical context and applied to the nation of Judah and the invasion and exile that was coming. It's important to use your common sense and look at it in its historical context, neither of which you appear to be doing. --Graham grove 03:36, 20 January 2008 (PST)

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