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Also, I have another question. Have you been responsible for any of the recurrent vandalism we've been receiving? If so, how much of it has been you? You're obviously an intelligent person. So if the vandalism has been you, let's reason like adults. If it wasn't you, then I apologise for asking.
Also, I have another question. Have you been responsible for any of the recurrent vandalism we've been receiving? If so, how much of it has been you? You're obviously an intelligent person. So if the vandalism has been you, let's reason like adults. If it wasn't you, then I apologise for asking.

Revision as of 07:47, 22 January 2005

The very fact that you would write these comments suggest that you believe the Genesis account of creation. In which case, how could you possibly not want to be in an eternal friendship of your creator?

I actually do not believe in the Genesis account of creation; however, I'm willing to put a symbolic and mythological significance onto it, and furthermore, respect the spirit that dwells within some of humanity (although not given by a divine god) that would drive them to such an act.

Okay. I'm guessing you probably don't really believe in an omnipotent God or an evil devil then. If that's the case, why don't write a article on Why you don't believe in God - what the evidence is for and against God? You could also write an article that explains your spiritual or religious beliefs (what-ever they are). If you actually write a proper article that actually looks at the issues, I'm quite happy to post your article in the appropriate section

Also, I have another question. Have you been responsible for any of the recurrent vandalism we've been receiving? If so, how much of it has been you? You're obviously an intelligent person. So if the vandalism has been you, let's reason like adults. If it wasn't you, then I apologise for asking.


You don't have to believe in an entity to uphold it as a spiritual paragon. Of course, it's obvious that this line of questioning was an attempt to be able to look good as you deleted a page that threatened your worldview. That is, unless you're saying that I somehow don't look at the issues involved in that article, in which case, I'd be interested in hearing how I should improve it.

I also fail to see how whether a person believes or doesn't believe in something (explicitly, as I do agree with every part of the argument that I wrote- Satan is the character in the bible who's a hero) makes what they right correct or incorrect. It seems that, again, you're relying on a form of ad hominem in replacement of logic.

As per the trolling- yes, I had a hand in it. You've already chosen to reject the explanation as to why.