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Apostle Paul

388 bytes added, 11:42, 27 October 2007
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__NOTOC__==''Synopsis==:'' Paul (originally Saul) was a critical figure in the early [[Christian]] [[church]]. He was a [[Jew]] who was a [[Roman]] citizen from the city of [[Tarsus]]. He was involved in the persecution of the early Church until his encounter with the resurrected [[Jesus]] on the road to the city of [[Damascus]]. After this he worked tireless at preaching the [[gospel]] to the non-Jewish ([[gentile]]) communities throughout the Roman empire. He wrote many letters to churches in different cities; these letters are included in the [[New Testament]].
Paul (originally Saul) was a critical figure in the early [[Christian]] [[church]]. He was a [[Jew]] who was a [[Roman]] citizen from the city of [[Tarsus]]. He was involved in the persecution of the early Church until his encounter with the resurrected ----__TOC__{{topics}}* [[Jesus]] on the road to the city Acts of [[Damascus]]. After this he worked tireless at preaching the [[gospelApostles]] to the non-Jewish (| [[gentilePauline Epistles]]) communities throughout the Roman empire. He wrote many letters to churches in different cities; these letters are included in the [[New Testament]]. ==Contents==
==Main article==
Paul used quite a different approach of evangelism when speaking to pagans who were not believers in the God of Israel. He spoke to untutored (uneducated) pagans in [[Acts 14]] explaining how his God was the God of creation, and not a lifeless idol. He did this without using [[Old Testament]] quotations. He spoke to tutored (educated) pagans in [[Acts 17]] in his famous speech in the [[Areopagus]] in [[Athens]], using culturally relevant statements. He introduced God by talking about something he had seen in the marketplace in Athens, a statue to the "unknown god". Again he didn't use Old Testament quotes, but instead quoted Greek poets, and he spoke about sin in a different light, calling it "ignorance".
When Paul spoke to believers, as in [[Acts 20]]:18-35, he spoke words to remind and encourage them, warning them to hold onto their faith.
And when Paul was called to speak in his legal defence, as in [[Acts 22]], [[Acts 24]] and [[Acts 26]], he gave personal testimony of how God had spoken to him, and he highlighted the work of God.
===[[Pauline Epistles|Paul's letters]]===
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