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Creating articles that will bring the most traffic to a website:

1. Choose an article topic that has a very broad audience. For example, an article about the Apostle Paul is going to going to have more broad appeal than an article about a local pastor (No disrespect intended for the fine inviduals who serve as local pastors).

2. Do not rely on the press or blogs to generate traffic for your article. If it happens that is great but consider that icing on the cake. Often the blogs find out about an article because it has a fairly high profile via the search engines. As of November 30, 2007 the company had about 78% percent of the market share for search engine traffic.

3. Set a goal that you are going to reach the top 3 Google results because these get the most web traffic. At the very least you want to be in the top 5 results. I wish at this time that we could build an article on Jesus Christ that would reach the top 3 Google results, however, sometimes people pay to be in the top Google results and I think this is what is happening in the Jesus Christ search inquiry. Anyways the competition is super fierce to get in the top results for the search term Jesus and at this time I don't think we have enough general web traffic to our website to make this feasible at this time. However, other than the Jesus Christ Google search query I think it is most doable for most other searches.

4. Once you pick your topic find out what words or phrases people type in Google to search for information on a topic. These words and phrases are called Google keywords. A list of Google keywords is located here:

5. Ideally you want the article title to be a Google keyword or keywords (phrase). Your main keyword or keywords that you titled the article with should be used somewhat liberally throughout the article but don't force it so it is very unnatural writing or you will be penalized. The amount of times your article uses the Google keywords in a article is referred to as keyword frequency and you can see how to implement this and easily measure it (using a website). Here are some articles regarding the key word frequency how it effects webpage rankings with the search engines:

Here is a keyword frequency/density checker:

6. Using the list of Google keywords associated with the title of the article which should be a Google keywords or keywords (see: ) try to reasonably incorporate these keywords in your article. Do not "stuff' these words into your article but use the most natural keywords and do it in a reasonable way. An example, of Google keyword stuffing would be having an article on "Communism" and having the following "sentence": Karl Marx socialist party marxism Soviet Union Karl Marx. The previous "sentence" was made up entirely of Google keywords and Google will heavily penalize you for such gimics.

7. Create sub articles which the main article links to and have these articles be Google keywords. Also, have these sub articles link to the main article which you are focused on making a Google top contender. The sub Google key word articles often are very popular and create traffic for your main article. Also, the main article creates traffic for your sub keyword articles. This creates a "vicious circle effect". You might have to be a little patient as the Google web crawlers will likely find your main Google keyword article before it finds your sub Google keyword(s) articles.

8. When creating sub Google keyword articles it is vitally important that these articles are not 17% or more similar to your main Google keywords articles or 17% or more similar to other article on your website. Google heavlily penalizes articles that are too similar and this is called a search engine "duplicate content penalty" (see: ). Here is how to check: Duplicate content:

9. It is perfectly acceptable to use information in other articles and to quote them. However, do not make your main Google keyword article or your sub Google keyword articles 17% or more similar to your sources (see step #8 above).

1. Writing articles on a topic that people are interested in gets more web traffic. People type phrases into search engines and these are called keywords. A very knowledgeable expert in getting web traffic to a website and getting articles to rank high for the search engines shared the information below with me.

To find out what key words are popular so you can write and label articles for those subjects go here:

3. When you quote another article make sure it is not 17 or more percent similar to the article you are creating.

Also, make sure that the article is not 17% or more similar to another article you may have on your website.

4. Now that you created a main article you can can repeat steps 1-3 using related top keywords and then link those articles to the main article. Also, link the main article to the sub articles. I suppose you could create sub articles for the sub articles repeating steps 1 to 3 and have the sub articles link to each other also.

5. Please look at these two links as they are extemely important: and