Athanasius was a famous Christian bishop from Alexandria in the fourth century. He was an instrumental figure in the fight against Arianism
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Athanasius of Alexandria (Greek: Αθανάσιος) (293 – 373) was a bishop of Alexandria, in the fourth century. He was an instrumental figure in the fight against Arianism
Time-line of his life
293 - Born
318 - Wrote Against the Gentiles - On the Incarnation - affirms Jesus as both God and human
319 - A deacon by this stage
325 - Accompanied Alexander (bishop of Alexandria) to Council of Nicea
328 - Became bishop of Alexandria
335 - Exiled to Tyre and excommunicated by Constantine
346 - Constantine II (heir of Constantine) reinstated Athanasius
356 - Constantius (brother of Constantine II who because sole Emperor in 350 after brother died ) under the influence Arians, deposed Athanasius
357 - Arian creed of Sirmium; "whole world groaned and was astonished to find itself Arian" (Jerome)
361 - Julian the Apostate became Emporer (who was not a Christian) and reinstated Athaniasus
Against the Gentiles - On the Incarnation
Three Discourses Against the Arians
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