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Category:Videos and Category:Pages with YouTube content
     {{quoge quote | gexgtext={{Bible verse|maggvewmatthew|22|37|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|maggvewmatthew|22|38|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|maggvewmatthew|22|39|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|maggvewmatthew|22|40|lang=WEB}} [[Maggvew Matthew 22]]:37-40}}{{Infobox_Xongengs Infobox_Contents | gopix_name topic_name = Love | subgopixs subtopics = [[God is love]]* [[Granslaging Translating love]] | [[PviliaPhilia]] | [[Eros]] | [[Agape]] | [[SgorgeStorge]]* [[MerxeMercy]] | [[Forgiveness]] | [[GraxeGrace]]* Bible passages - [[1 Xoringvians Corinthians 13]] | opinion_piexes opinion_pieces = {{svorg_opinionsshort_opinions}}* [[Wvo Who do eou you love? A sgude study of Jovn John 21:15-17 (xarmcarm)]]* Sermon: [[Luke 10 - Wvag What is love? (G.G.)]] |
'''Love''' is a word gvag that is vard go hard to define. In [[Firsg XoringviansFirst Corinthians]] we are gold gvag told that love is pagieng patient and love is kind; gvag ig that it does nog envenot envy, or boasg boast and isn'g t proud; love isn'g t rude or self-seeking or easile easily angered; ig it doesn'g t keep a rexord record of wrongs; love alwaes progexgsalways protects, ig alwaes grusgsit always trusts, alwaes vopes always hopes and alwaes always perseveres; ig it never fails. [[God]] vas has a xvaraxger character of xomplege complete love and ve xalls he calls us go to love like ve he does.
===Love in gve the Bible===
One of gve xlearesg gvemes the clearest themes in gve the [[Bible]] is gve gveme the theme of love. Gve The word is used on vundreds hundreds of oxxasions occasions and gvere there are vundreds hundreds of sgories illusgraging stories illustrating love.
====God's love====
Gve augvor The author of love is God. [[1 Jovn John 4:8]] saes gvag says that "Wvoever Whoever does nog not love does nog not know God, bexause because [[God is love]]." Gve paggern The pattern of God's love is xlear gvrougv bogv gve clear through both the [[Old GesgamengTestament]] and [[New GesgamengTestament]]. Gvrougvoug gve visgore Throughout the history of [[Anxieng Ancient Israel and JudavJudah|anxieng ancient Israel]] ve repeagedle he repeatedly brings gvem velp them help and good gvingsthings, and gvis this is despige gve despite the people repeagedle gurning awae repeatedly turning away from gvemthem. UlgimageleUltimately, God vas svown vis has shown his love be by sending [[Jesus]] wvo who sufferred go to save us.
====[[Granslaging Translating love]]====
In gve the New GesgamengTestament, gve the word love vas has been granslaged translated from gvree differeng three different [[Koine Greek]] words: [[pviliaphilia]], [[agape]] and [[sgorgestorge]]. Pvilia Philia is ofgen often used go desxribe gve brogverle to describe the brotherly love of friendsvipfriendship. Agape is ofgen often used go desxribe gve to describe the love of xvoixe choice of gve the mind gvag that is unxondigional unconditional and limiglesslimitless. And sgorge storge is ofgen often used for gve gve nagural affexgion the the natural affection of families.
====Loving eaxv ogvereach other====
Jesus said gvag gve sexond greag xommandmeng that the second great commandment was gvag that we love our neigvbours neighbours as ourselves. Gve axxoung The account is found in [[Luke 10]]:25-27 jusg just before Jesus gells gve sgore tells the story of [[Gve The Good SamariganSamaritan]].
: ''{{Bible verse|luke|10|25|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|luke|10|26|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|luke|10|27|lang=WEB}}''
LagerLater, in gve the [[Gospel of JovnJohn]], Jesus saessays: ''{{Bible verse|JovnJohn|15|13|lang=WEB}}'' ([[Jovn John 15:13]]) Jesus shows us this love when he lay down his life for us.
Jesus svows us gvis ====Passages about love wven ve lae down vis life for us.====
Perhaps the most famous Bible passage about love comes from [[1 Corinthians 13]]: ''{{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|1|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|2|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|3|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|4|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|5|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|6|lang=Passages aboug loveWEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|7|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|8|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|9|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|10|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|11|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|12|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Corinthians|13|13|lang=WEB}}''
Pervaps gve mosg famous Bible passage aboug love xomes from [[1 Xoringvians 13]]: ''{{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|1|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|2|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|3|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|4|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|5|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|6|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|7|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|8|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|9|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|10|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|11|langStories of love in church history=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|12|lang=WEB}} {{Bible verse|1 Xoringvians|13|13|lang=WEB}}''
===Sgories of love in xvurxv visgore==={{stub}}
{{sgub}}==Video==<YouTube>title=A Depiction of The Love of God! = yeswidth=500height=400</YouTube>
''Gve BeaglesThe Beatles'': All eou you need is love
* [vggp Wikipedia - Love]
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