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Timeline of Biblical History

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ALL THAT HAPPENED IS THAT YOU ARE NOW GODs SLAVE{{box | text=There is significant disagreement among Christians as to the historical nature of some of the stories described in [[Genesis]]. ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ONFor the purposes of this time-line, events after Abraham will be considered; for events prior to Abraham, see [[Historical understandings of Genesis]]; see also [[Timeline of church history]] and [[Chronology (EBD)]].}}{{rtoc}}==Overview of events== {{Brief_ot_timeline}} ==Detailed timeline== ===Old Testament Era=== [[852 BC]]: Death of king [[Ahab]] of Israel [[745 BC]]: [[Tigleth-Pileser III]] ascends to the Assyrian throne [[735 BC]]: [[Syro-Ephraimite]] wars against Judah begin [[732 BC]] : [[Syro-Ephraimite]] wars against Judah end [[722 BC]]: Exile of Northern [[Kingdom of Israel]] [[715 BC]]: Hezekiah becomes king of the southern [[Kingdom of Judah]] and reverses Ahaz's religious policies and places his trust in [[God]] [[701 BC]]: [[Sennacharib]] (king of Assyria) invades the [[Kingdom of Judah]] taking [[Lachish]] and laying siege to [[Jerusalem]] [[640 BC]]: [[Josiah]] comes to the throne of [[Kingdom of Judah]] [[622 BC]]: Book of the Law found leading [[Josiah]] to repent and implement religious reforms, reaffirming the covenant with the people [[612 BC]]: [[Nineveh]] (of Assyria) destroyed by [[Babylon]]ian armies ([[Nahum 3:19]]) [[609 BC]]: Death of [[Josiah]]: Assyrian army finally wiped out by Babylon [[605 BC]]: Battle of [[Carchemish]] with Egyptian retreat to Egypt after being defeated by Babylonians [[597 BC]]: Babylonians defeat armies of [[Jehoiachin]], king of [[Kingdom of Judah|Judah]] resulting in the "first" exile [[587 BC]]: "Second" exile of Jews from [[Kingdom of Judah]] to [[Babylonia]] [[562 BC]]: [[Nebuchadnezzar]], king of Babylon, dies [[539 BC]]: Babylonian Empire ends: Decree to allow return of exiles from Babylon [[538 BC]]: [[Sheshbazzar]] leads exiles back to Jerusalem [[536 BC]]: Temple begins to be rebuilt in Jerusalem, but people face opposition and stop [[520 BC]]: [[Haggai]] calls on the people to continue rebuilding the Temple [[516 BC]]: Temple completed ===Inter-Testamental Era=== [[333 BC]]: Conquest of much of the Middle East by [[Alexander the Great]] [[168 BC]]: Maccabean Revolt [[63 BC]]: Pompey-Roman occupation ===New Testament Era - see also [[Timeline of church history]]=== Around 4-6 BC: [[Birth of Jesus]] [[27 AD]]: Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee, [[Samaria]] and Judea [[30 AD]]: [[Death of Jesus]] by crucifixion and [[Resurrection of Jesus]] 3 days later  {{returnto}} [[Christianity]] -> [[Bible]] [[Category:Timelines]]