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2. Biblical Studies and Languages
If WikiChristian was a textbook, this would be the Contents Page.
== 1. Introduction to Christianity ==
This page is not complete and is in progress=== 1.0 [[Christianity]] ===
* 1.0.1 [[Becoming a Christian]]* 1.0.2 [[Living as a Christian]] === 1. Introduction to Christianity 1 [[God]] and the [[Trinity]] ===
* 1.1.0 Christianity[[Character of God]]* 1.1.1 [[God the Creator]]* 1.1.2 [[Love of God]]* 1.1.3 [[Holiness of God]]* 1.1.4 [[Forgiveness of God]]* 1.1.5 [[Names of God]] - [[Yahweh]]
=== 1.0.1 Becoming a Christian1.0.2 Living as a Christian1.1 God and the Trinity[[Jesus]] ===
* 1.2.1[[Nature of Christ]] - [[Hypostatic Union]]* 1.2.0 Character 2 [[Titles of Jesus]] - [[Christ]] (Messiah), [[Emmanuel]], [[Son of God]], [[Son of Man]]* 1.12.1 God the Creator3 [[Historicity of Jesus]]* 1.2.4 [[Birth of Jesus]] and [[Baptism of Jesus]]* 1.2 Love .5 [[Teaching of Jesus]] - [[Sermon on the Mount]], [[Parables of GodJesus]]* 1.12.3 Holiness 6 [[Miracles of GodJesus]]* 1.12.4 Forgiveness 7 [[Death of GodJesus]]* 1.12.5 Names 8 [[Resurrection of God - YahwehJesus]]* 1.2 .9 [[Ascension of Jesus]]
1.2.1 Nature of Christ - Hypostatic Union1.2.2 Titles of Jesus - Christ (Messiah), Emmanuel, Son of God, Son of Man1.2.3 Historicity of Jesus1.2.4 Birth of Jesus and Baptism of Jesus1.2.5 Teaching of Jesus - Sermon on the Mount, Parables of Jesus1.2.6 Miracles of Jesus1.2.7 Death of Jesus1.2.8 Resurrection of Jesus1.2.9 Ascension of Jesus=== 1.3 [[Holy Spirit]] ===
* 1.3.1 [[Pentecost]]* 1.3.2 [[Gifts of the Spirit]]
== 2. Biblical Studies and Languages ==
===2.0 [[Bible]]=== *2.0.1 [[Biblical Canon]]*2.0.2 Extra-Biblical Texts - [[Apocrypha]]*2.0.3 [[Bible Translation]]*2.0.4 [[Biblical Interpretation]]* [[Exegesis]] and [[Hermeneutics]]* [[Biblical In-errancy]], [[Biblical Infallibility]] and [[Biblical Historicity]] ===2.1 Old Testament=== *2.1.1 Books of the [[Old Testament]]* [[Torah]] - [[Genesis]], [[Exodus]], [[Leviticus]], [[Book of Numbers|Numbers]], [[Deuteronomy]]* Historical Books - [[Book of Joshua|Joshua]], [[Book of Judges|Judges]], [[Book of Ruth|Ruth]], [[First Book of Samuel|1 Samuel]], [[Second Book of Samuel|2 Samuel]], [[First Kings|1 Kings]], [[Second Kings|2 Kings]], [[First Chronicles|1 Chronicles]], [[Second Chronicles|2 Chronicles]], [[Ezra]], [[Book of Nehemiah|Nehemiah]], [[Book of Esther|Esther]]* Poetry and Wisdom Books - [[Book of Job|Job]], [[Psalms]], [[Book of Proverbs|Proverbs]], [[Ecclesiastes]], [[Songs of Solomon]]* [[Prophets]]* Major Prophets - [[Book of Isaiah]], [[Book of Jeremiah]], [[Lamentations]], [[Book of Ezekiel]], [[Book of Daniel]]* Minor Prophets - [[Book of Hosea|Hosea]], [[Book of Joel|Joel]], [[Book of Amos|Amos]], [[Book of Obadiah|Obadiah]], [[Book of Jonah|Jonah]], [[Book of Micah|Micah]], [[Book of Nahum|Nahum]], [[Book of Habakkuk|Habakkuk]], [[Book of Zephaniah|Zephaniah]], [[Book of Malachi|Malachi]]*2.1.2 Old Testament History and Geography - [[Timeline of Biblical History]]* [[Ancient Israel and Judah]]* Old Testament Characters* [[Old Testament Patriarchs|Patriarchs]] - [[Abraham]], [[Isaac]], [[Jacob]], [[Joseph (Genesis)|Joseph]]* [[Moses]] and [[Joshua]]* [[Judges]]* [[Biblical Kings]] - [[King Saul|Saul]], [[King David|David]], [[Solomon]]* [[Old Testament Prophets]] - [[Elijah]], [[Elisha]], [[Isaiah]], [[Jeremiah]], [[Ezekiel]], [[Daniel]]* [[Old Testament Places]]* [[Ancient Near East Literature]] - [[Enuma Elish]]*2.1.3 [[Old Testament Theology and Themes]]* [[Yahweh]]* [[Covenant]]* [[Promised Land]]* [[Sin]] and [[Salvation]] ===2.2 New Testament=== *2.2.1 Books of the [[New Testament]]* [[Gospels]] - [[Synoptic Gospels]] ([[Gospel of Matthew|Matthew]], [[Gospel of Mark|Mark]] and [[Gospel of Luke|Luke]]) and [[Gospel of John|John]]* [[Acts]]* [[Epistles]]* [[Pauline Epistles]] - [[Romans]], [[1 Corinthians]], [[2 Corinthians]], [[Galatians]], [[Ephesians]], [[Colossians]], [[1 Thessalonians]], [[2 Thessalonians]], [[1 Timothy]], [[2 Timothy]], [[Titus]], [[Philemon]]* [[General epistles|General Epistles]] - [[Hebrews]], [[James]], [[1 Peter]], [[2 Peter]], [[1 John]], [[2 John]], [[3 John]], [[Epistle of Jude|Jude]]* [[Book of Revelation]]*2.2.2 New Testament Cultural Context*2.2.3 New Testament Characters*2.2.4 New Testament Places ===2.3 [[Koine Greek]] - [[Greek:Dictionary|Koine Greek Dictionary]]=== *2.3.1 [[Koine Greek: Alphabet|Koine Greek Alphabet]]*2.3.2 [[Koine Greek: Nouns|Koine Greek Nouns]]*2.3.3 [[Koine Greek: Definite Article|Koine Greek Definite Article]]*2.3.4 [[Koine Greek: Prepositions|Koine Greek Prepositions]]*2.3.5 [[Koine Greek: Verbs|Koine Greek Verbs]]*2.3.6 [[Koine Greek: Adjectives|Koine Greek Adjectives]]*2.3.7 [[Koine Greek: Adverbs|Koine Greek Adverbs]]*2.3.8 [[Koine Greek: Participles|Koine Greek Participles]]*2.3.9 [[Koine Greek: Comparison|Koine Greek Comparison]]*2.3.10 [[Koine Greek: Crasis|Koine Greek Crasis]]*2.3.11 [[Koine Greek: Questions|Koine Greek Questions]] ===2.4 Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic=== ==3. [[Church History]] and Christianity in Culture== ===3.1 [[Church History]]===  ===3.2 [[Christian literature, art, music and media]]=== * 3.2.1 [[Christian music]] - [[Christian Songs Index]]** Musical Styles*** [[Early Church music]] *** [[Gregorian chants]]*** [[Christmas carols]]*** [[Hymns]]*** [[Gospel music]]*** [[Contemporary Christian Music]]** [[Song writers]] - [[Christian Composer, Song Writers and Bands Index]] * 3.2.2 [[Christian literature]] - [[All texts index]]** Type of literature*** [[Ficitonal Christian literature index]]*** [[Non-fictional Christian literature index]]** Time of literature*** [[Ancient Texts Index]] ([[Ancient Languages Index]])*** [[Bible]] and [[Apocrypha]]*** [[Early Church Writings Index]] ** [[Authors]] - [[Authors Index]]
2.0.1 Biblical Canon2.0* 3.2 Extra-Biblical Texts - Apocrypha2.0.3 Bible Translation2.0.4 Biblical Interpretation2.0.4.1 Exegesis and Hermeneutics2.0.4.2 Biblical In[[Christian movies]] -errancy, Biblical Infallibility and Biblical Historicity2.1 Old Testament[[Christian Movies Index]]
2.1.1 Books of the Old Testament2.1.1.1 Torah - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy2.1.1.2 Historical Books - Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther2.1.1.3 Poetry and Wisdom Books - Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs of Solomon2.1.1.4 Prophets2. Major Prophets - Book of Isaiah, Book of Jeremiah, Lamentations, Book of Ezekiel, Book of Daniel2. Minor Prophets - Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Malachi2.1.2 Old Testament History and Geography - Timeline of Biblical History2.1.2.1 Ancient Israel and Judah2.1.2.2 Old Testament Characters2. Patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph2. Moses and Joshua2. Judges2. Biblical Kings - Saul, David, Solomon2. Old Testament Prophets - Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel2.1.2.3 Old Testament Places2.1.2.4 Ancient Near East Literature - Enuma Elish2.1.3 Old Testament Theology and Themes2.1.3.1 Yahweh2.1.3.2 Covenant2.1.* 3.3 Promised Land2.1.3.4 Sin and Salvation2.2 New Testament[[Christian radio]]
2.2.1 Books of the New Testament2.2.1.1 Gospels - Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and John) Acts2.2.1.3 Epistles2. Pauline Epistles - Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon2. General Epistles - Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John2.2.1.4 Book of Revelation2.2.2 New Testament Cultural Context2.2.* 3 New Testament Characters2.2.4 New Testament Places2.3 Koine Greek - Koine Greek Dictionary5 [[Christian television]]
2.3.1 Koine Greek Alphabet2.3.2 Koine Greek Nouns2.3.3 Koine Greek Definite Article2.* 3.4 Koine Greek Prepositions2.3.5 Koine Greek Verbs2.3.6 Koine Greek Adjectives2.3.7 Koine Greek Adverbs2.3.8 Koine Greek Participles2.3.9 Koine Greek Comparison2.3.10 Koine Greek Crasis2.3.11 Koine Greek Questions2.4 Biblical Hebrew [[Christianity in painting and Aramaicart]]
== * 3. Church History 2.7 [[Religious clothing and Christianity in Culture ==symbols]] - [[Religious Symbols Index]]
* 3.0 Church History2.8 [[Christian advertising]]
* 3.1 2.9 [[Christianity and Culturethe internet]]
== 4. Theology and Doctrine ==
===4.0 Theology===
*4.1 [[Church ]] and Ecclesiology*4.1.1 Nature of the Church*4.1.2 [[Mission ]] of the Church*4.1 [[Exegesis ]] and [[Hermeneutics]]
== 5. Christianity and Mission ==
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