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2,041 bytes added, 04:15, 26 July 2006
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[[Salvation]] is the gift of [[God]]'s [[grace]] given to all who God has elected to salvation. It includes all that God does in saving the elect from the penalty, power and presence of sin, and in restoring them to a right relationship with Him. As such, it is the work of God from initiation to completion. It cannot be gained by self-improvement or good works, but it is a free gift for all who accept it by putting all their hope in Jesus Christ’s finished work on the Cross and respond fully to that grace by faith. This faith is comprised of several elements among others: Intellectual assent of Christ’s divinity, humanity, and sacrifice for our salvation; Confession of Jesus as Master and Rescuer and self as disciple and slave; Genuine exchange of a self-ruled life for a God-ruled life; Immersion in water; Faithfulness until death. All who so trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are forgiven and saved from their sins, are declared righteous before God and are born into the family of God by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. God's purpose for saving His elect is that they might bring glory to Him by their lives.
: Anonmyous user


Like the writer above, I believe that salvation is the gift of God's grace. Like him, I believe that all who trust in Jesus as their Lord and saviour are saved from their sins, and declared as righteous before God, through what Christ has done on the Cross. I believe that we can never earn our salvation. I think God calls all to him, but only those who respond with faith in Christ are saved. Unlike the writer above, I don't believe that God predestines only some people to be saved - I think every human makes the choice either for or against God. I also don't believe that baptism by water actually is a requirement for salvation - to me, it is a symbol or representation or public announcement of new faith in Christ which has already brought about inward cleansing of sin.
: [[Graham Llewellyn Grove|G.G.]]


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