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A solemn [[Appeal (EBD)|appeal ]] whereby one person imposes on another the obligation of speaking or acting as if under an [[Oath (EBD)|oath ]] (1 Sam. 14:24; Josh. 6:26; 1 Kings 22:16).
We have in the [[New Testament (EBD)|New Testament]] a striking example of this (Matt. 26:63; Mark 5:7), where the [[High priest (EBD)|high priest ]] calls upon [[Christ (EBD)|Christ ]] to avow his true character. It would seem that in such a case the person so adjured could not refuse to give an answer.
The word "adjure", i.e., cause to swear is used with reference to the casting out of [[Demon (EBD)|demons ]] (Acts 19:13).
{{returnto}} [[Easton's Bible Dictionary]] | [[Adjuration]]
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