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Template:DOD protected/January 30

1,694 bytes added, 21:03, 28 September 2015
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In today's reading we complete the Book of Exodus. We again see in chapter 40 that the Tabernacle was built according to [[God]]'s directions, in perfect obedience. Every detail is mentioned in the construction and furnishing of the Tabernacle. The pattern for the Tabernacle was given by the [[Lord]], and it was followed explicitly by the two [[Spirit]] -directed men [[God]] had chosen to direct its construction and furnishing.
Today, [[God]] wants our tabernacle (our bodies) to be holy, filled with His [[Spirit]]. Our bodies are similar to the [[Old Testament]] Tabernacle in that they have three parts: The spirit, which is the holy of holies; the soul, which is the holy place; and the body, which is the outer court. [[God]] begins with the inner parts and works His way out, as we yield our spirit to Him and His leadership. When we receive Christ as our personal [[Saviour]], we are sealed unto the day of redemption. Old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. Our desires change from worldly lusts to things of the [[Lord]]; and, as we daily submit ourselves unto His leadership, we become Christ-like and usable in [[God]]'s service.
The Book of Exodus began with a mob of miserable slaves in [[Egypt]], but ends with a nation in fellowship with [[God]] and on its way to Canaan. This is truly a book of redemption!
Of necessity, our comments have been brief on the Tabernacle and its furnishings. Every piece of the Tabernacle had a special significance. In order to understand the relationship of the Tabernacle as a whole to the Jewish people in their relationship to [[God]], I would suggest that you read Dr. M.R. DeHaan's book titled, The Tabernacle.
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