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WikiChristian:Page Layout

5,289 bytes added, 20:37, 8 September 2015
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{{policy}}{{box | text=="Stub" pages that need work==The following information is a brief guide to the layout and writing style generally encouraged at WikiChristian. To learn the more technical aspects of creating and editing a page (for example using italics or inserting images) see the [[|WikiChristian Tutorial]].}}{{rtoc}}
There are plenty four general types of pages that have only minimal content articles at WikiChristian. These are:# Information Articles (i.e. the main article on any topic)# Index Pages# Sermons, Essays and require a lot Opinion Articles# Original Texts including various translations of work. A link to the list of stubs can be found here: [[Stub]]Bible
==Starting A New Page==Anyone can edit articles in WikiChristian and we wish to encourage you to contribute too.
New pages can be created by following a link to a nonexistent page ("red link") or by editing the last part of the URL of another page in the same project. It is useful to create a page by following a link, or create links to the new page right after creating the page, to avoid the new page being isolated. You can search for any existing articles with the same or similar content and create a new page if none exists. In order to create a new page, go to any relevant existing pages, and enclose the word or words in double square brackets '''<nowiki>[[like this]]</nowiki>''' and the link will be displayed '''[[like this]]'''== Information Articles ==
==Test your skills=='''Information Articles''' are articles that are written in a textbook style. WikiChristian does not have strict neutral viewpoint policy like Wikipedia. An '''Information Article''' should be written assuming that WikiChristian's [[WikiChristian:Statement of Faith|Statement of Faith]] is true.
You can test your editing skills We recognize that there is a wide variety of opinions within the Christian community on many issues. Where there is debate about details of doctrine, the '''Information Article''' should explain this debate in [[sand box]]a non-emotive way, showing both sides of the argument.
==Style==We also recognize that there is a wide variety of opinions regarding what makes a particular denomination Christian. A line in the sand has been drawn at WikiChristian so that users and editors have clear guidelines. Essentially, a denomination is considered Christian if those in its leadership would agree with the following:# A loving God# The Bible is God's word# The Nicene Creed (and in particular it's Trinitarian theology)
When editing or creating If a pagereligious group is related to Christianity but its leaders would not generally agree with those three points above, then it is considered, from WikiChristian's view, there are no set guidelines as to what the page should look like or how it should be laid outa separate religion. The following are We recognize that these 3 points may be considered ambiguous by some ideaspeople, but unfortunately, these lines in the sand are not prescriptive rules that need to be followednever perfect.
===Contents Tree StructureWriting Style of Information Articles ===
One way In general, '''Information Articles''' should be written in a manner that makes them clear and easy to arrange pages is to follow the understand. Theological terms should be explained. '''"Contents Tree Structure"Information Articles'''should be accessible and understandable to a person who has never had theological training. In this styleHowever, the main page will have a brief summary (with or without a relevant famous quote) aim of the topic followed by links to* The main "overview" article - this an '''Information Articles''' is an article that deals with the topic in a neutral point of view, encyclopedia style, such as that found in wikipedia* A "topics" heading following which are a list of related sub-topics* An opinion section - this is an area to place links to personal opinion articles* A "quotes" article - where quotes about the topic can it should '''also''' be quoted* A links section - this is an area to place links to external websites* Finally, useful for a "Return to" section to link the topic back to a broader, encompassing topicperson who has studied theology.
Various templates This standard of writing aims to make WikiChristian significantly different from some of the other useful sources of religious information. For example, encyclopedias such as the online [[Catholic Encyclopedia]] and [[Theopedia]] have very useful resources but individual articles are employed often written using very technical and dry language. WikiChristian's '''Information Articles''' ideally should be written using simple language to explain difficult concepts. Furthermore, if an article evokes emotion and passion for pages using this systemJesus in a reader, then it is all the more successful.
Below is an example Some examples of what a page using pages that hopefully reach this structure may look like (standard include [[JustificationChristianity]]), [[Old Testament]], [[Denominations]] and [[Church]].
----=== Referencing ===
{{quote | text=For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession Ideally specific facts for '''Information Articles''' should be referenced from well recognized sources so that the transgressorsfacts can be verified. [[Isaiah 53This is not an absolute requirement but is encouraged. Referencing can be accomplished by typing the reference as shown below:12]]}}
{{summary | text=Justification is the work of [[God]] where the [[righteousness]] of [[Jesus]] is reckoned to the [[sinner]] so the sinner is declared by God as being righteous under the [[Law]]<pre>.}}.... Sentence with fact <ref>Reference</ref> .... More facts <ref>Reference</ref> ...</pre>
{{overview}}=== Page Style of Information Articles ===
{{It is hoped that readers would browse WikiChristian a little like they might browse a text-book. As such, for any given topic there will be related sub-topics}}* . For example, under the topic [[GraceChurch]] | there are a number of sub-topics including: [[Church building]], [[SinChurch history]] | , [[RepentanceDenominations]] | and [[ForgivenessChurch service]] . These sub-topics should be clearly located in a Table of Contents using the template [[Template:Infobox Contents| Infobox_Contents]]. If the reader decides to click on a sub-topic (such as [[SalvationChurch service]] | ) then in the sub-topic's Table of Contents a new set of sub-topics are listed (for example: [[RighteousLiturgy]]* , [[Justification by faithHymns]] | , [[Justification by faith plus worksPrayer]]* , [[Eternal lifeSermons]] | and [[HeavenCommunion]]). Thus each '''Information Article''' should branch out into sub-topic '''Information Articles''', a little like a tree, or perhaps more like a web.
{{opinions}}* The main topic of WikiChristian is [[Grace - Justification by faith alone (G.G.)Christianity]]* [[A look at justification and from here it should be possible to reach any other topic by faith and good works a series of following links in Luther's theology (Jthe Table of Contents of various pages.S)]]* [[Justification (Benjamen Meng)]]
{{quotes}}To get a better idea, take a look at some of these pages:* [[Christianity]] -> [[Christian doctrine and debates]] -> [[Justification]]* [[Christianity]] -> [[Essence of Christianity]] -> [[Living as a Christian]] -> [[Love]]* [[Christianity]] -> [[Bible]] -> [[New Testament]] -> [[Gospels]] -> [[Gospel of Matthew]] -> [[Matthew 16]]
{{returnto}} [[Christian doctrine and debates]]This standard page layout can be achieved by looking at the following template.
----<pre>{{Infobox_Contents | topic_name = Write Name of Topic Here[[Image:Insert Relevant Image Here|thumb|center|]] | subtopics = List of links to related subtopic information articles, original texts and index pages |opinion_pieces = Bulleted list to specific sermons, essays or opinion articles related to the topic (see Sermons, Essays and Opinions section below) |}}
The code for A brief one or two sentence summary of the above page above istopic
<pre>Followed by the main text-book style article give details on the topics{{quote | text== Quotes ==For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. [[Isaiah 53:12]]}}
{{summary | text=Justification is the work of [[God]] where the [[righteousness]] of [[Jesus]] is reckoned For famous quotations related to the [[sinner]] so the sinner is declared by God as being righteous under the [[Law]].}}topic
{{overview}}== References ==
{{topicsreflist}}* [[Grace]] | [[Sin]] | [[Repentance]] | [[Forgiveness]] | [[Salvation]] | [[Righteous]]* [[Justification by faith]] | [[Justification by faith plus works]]* [[Eternal life]] | [[Heaven]]
{{opinions}}* [[Grace - Justification by faith alone (G.G.)]]* [[A look at justification by faith and good works in Luther's theology (J.S)]]* [[Justification (Benjamen Meng)]]== Links ==
{{quotes}}List of useful external links
{{returnto}} [[Christian doctrine and debatesbroader topic of which this page is a subtopic]]
The advantages == Index Pages == An '''Index Page''' should be used for lists (e.g. lists of famous Christians, song titles, Bible characters or churches). Because of the potential length of using lists, '''Information Articles''' are not the best place for lists. These lists should instead be placed in a system like separate page named in this is it allows formanner: '''''Name of Topic''' Index''. This index page can then be linked to from the relevant '''Information Article'''. For examples see: [[Famous Christians Index]], [[Christian Songs Index]], [[Churches in Adelaide Index]] == Sermons, Essays and Opinion Articles == * The WikiChristian, unlike Wikipedia, does not have a policy of disallowing personal opinions to be voiced or personal research to written about. For any topic, the main '''Information Article''' should be written in a neutral "WikiChristian" point of view encyclopedia style , as explained above. However, any user may write his or her own personal '''Sermon or Essay or Opinion Article''' on the topic, which only he or she should edit. An article using "such as this should clearly be named as ''<nowiki>[[Sermon:Name of Article (initials or name of author)]]</nowiki>'' or ''<nowiki>[[Essay:Name of Article (initials or name of author)]]</nowiki>'' or ''<nowiki>[[Opinion:Name of Article (overviewinitials or name of author)]]</nowiki>''. The article should then be linked to under the "Opinions"section in Infobox_Contents template of the main '''Information Article'''.  * Personal If a user does not wish to write a whole article voicing a personal opinion articlesbut would like to make a short one or two sentence personal comment on a topic then he or she can write a comment in the '''''Opinion:Name of topic''' (discussion)'' page that can be found in the Infobox Table of Contents on any '''Information Article'''. These short personal comments are for personal reflections about the topic and not points of dispute to do with the '''Information Article''' article itself (for which there is the standard mediawiki talk page). * It is quick ==Original Texts== WikiChristian aims to be a good source of public domain Christian texts in both their original language and their English translation. This includes the Bible, which has been uploaded verse-by-verse. There are two relevant name-spaces: Bible and Text. ===Bible=== Bible verses and easy their commentary can be found in the Bible name-space. For example, [[John 1:1]] redirects to find related topics[[Bible:John 1:1]]. There is also a special system of displaying Bible verses anywhere in WikiChristian. For details about this, see [[WikiChristian:Bible]].  * It allows The "Bible" name-space is reserved for additional pages such the 66 books that are agreed as part of the Bible by all denominations. Other books that are considered part of the Bible by some denominations but not by all use the "Text" name-space. ===Text=== Original texts can be found in the Text name-space. For example, the text to the [[Nicene Creed]] can be found at [[Text:Nicene Creed]]. In this example, the page [[Nicene Creed]] is an information article about the Nicene Creed whereas the page [[Text:Nicene Creed]] is simply a copy of an English translation of the Nicene Creed. Texts that are further split up into chapters or topics are named as testimoniesfollows: '''Text:Name of Book:Name of Chapter''' {{returnto}} [[Christianity]] -> [[Christian literature, song lyricsart, travel stories music and media]] -> [[Christianity and so on where appropriatethe Internet]] -> [[Christian wikis]] -> [[Wikichristian:About|WikiChristian]]
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