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Template:DOD protected/July 19

1,912 bytes added, 02:14, 6 October 2015
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The theme of chapter 25 is anger. Notice that there is a righteous anger against [[sin]]. Verse 23 teaches that an angry look will silence a gossip. In Mark 3:5 [[Jesus]] "looked round about on them with anger." [[Paul]] advised us, in Ephesians 4:26, to "be ye angry, and [[sin]] not." Of course, our anger should be at [[sin]] and not at people.
Proverbs 27:4 warns us that anger is cruel and outrageous; it can lead to physical hurt and even murder ([[Matthew]] 5:22). Angry parents can permanently wound the body and emotions of a child. Sinful anger is of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21); it does not accomplish [[God]]'s will (James 1:19,20). [[Satan]] gets into our lives through our angry words and attitudes (Ephesians 4:26,27); so [[God]] warns us to put off anger (Ephesians 4:31, Colossians 3:8). An angry man is a dangerous friend (Proverbs 22:24 and 29:22); an angry woman makes a poor wife (Proverbs 21:9 and 25:24).
Notice how we are to deal with anger, both in our lives and in the lives of others. Verse 8 tells us to show forth patience. Verses 15-28 tell us that we should also use gentleness. "A soft tongue breaketh the bone." We should also use kindness. Finally, we should use self-control. The [[Christian]] who practices self-control will not be destroyed by anger, nor will he destroy others. Compare verse 28 with chapter 16:32. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.".
The ability to be angry about the right matters helps to build character; but, when anger causes our tempers to flare up, it becomes destructive. [[God]]ly anger is right, but unrighteous anger is like a forest fire when it gets out of control, and the destruction is devastating. Psalm 19:14 still applies, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O [[Lord]], my strength, and my redeemer.".
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