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A encyclopedia and discussion forum for all Christians to share their faith. Statement of Faith | Vision

What is Christianity?

Christianity is about God reaching out his hand in friendship to mankind. Christians believe that the whole world and everything in it was created by God. God is a personal being, a living God who is three, yet one: Father, Son and Spirit, just as we human beings have body, mind and soul! (see the Trinity).

The Bible says God created people in his image, to love him. Yet every person has rebelled against God and sinned. Yet instead of turning his back on us, God became a man, Jesus, who most scholars believe was born about the year 4 BC and lived among us. He taught a message of love throughout Palestine but public opinion turned against him and he was executed as a young man.

He died because of us - the death that we should have died. He was crucified on a cross, but he rose from the dead, and now calls us to trust him, to love him and to repent of our rebellion. If we do this, then we our relationship with God becomes restored and we will live forever with God.

Many non-Christians may think that being a Christian is about belonging to a particular church or following a certain set of rule. Most Christians however would agree that at its root, being a Christian means to be in a living relationship with Jesus.

WikiChristian Contents - Christianity

Who is God?

God is the central being of all existence. He is eternal in that he has no beginning and no end. In the first chapter of the first book of Bible an account is given of God creating the universe and the earth and creating people in his own image.

The Bible also reveals that God is full of mercy and love (for example 1 John 4:8. Millions of people in the world trust in God as their master and Lord and also their saviour. He is a personal being, who is three in one - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God stands ready to come into any person's life when that person acknowledges him and repents of having not lived his way.

Character of God

Although the mere existence of God can be deduced by natural reason his nature is beyond our understanding. He gives life to all and he is the author of love and forgiveness. John 1:4 describes this beautifully:

In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

Loving God

One cannot describe God without first understanding His love for the humanity!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

If you truly believe in your heart, declare through your mouth and actions that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, you will receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord so you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven!


God Of Wonders!

Holy God

God is completely holy and without any evil. At the same time God is forgiving and merciful and full of love. Read more on God and Trinity

Devotion Of The Day 

Gorgeous water fall in a Creek!

June, 1 - Daily Devotions

June Scripture Portion for Bible Commentary : Job 12 - Psalm 102

Yesterday's reading contained Zophar's first speech to Job. In it he greatly rebuked Job and exhorted him to repent so that he might be restored and blessed.

In Job's answer to Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar (chapter 12), he grows sarcastic at their cutting words. In chapter 13 he denounces his so-called "friends" and appeals to God. It is evident from these verses that Job does know the Lord and recognizes that in Him he could find strength and wisdom.

In chapter 14 Job asks the question, "If a man die, shall he live again?" The answer can be found in John's Gospel, often called "the Gospel in a nutshell." Chapter 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." It is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27). But life does not end there. The physical body will return to the dust; but there is a soul within every human being that will spend eternity either in heaven or in hell. Jesus died on the cross for you and for me. He was buried and rose again on the third day. If we will but simply have faith in Him and accept Him as our personal Lord and Saviour we will spend eternity in heaven with Him. But for those who never receive Christ as their personal Saviour, they shall spend eternity in hell, separated from God forever. Yes--man shall live again--by simply trusting the all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins, Jesus Christ, God's only Son.

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